As the nesting stage continues I seem to be getting more and more projects going (Derrick loves me a lot right now). We have lived in our current house for about two years and I have looked at this wall paper everyday. I am done. There is no way I can let Baby Girl come home and see this with her precious little eyes. And I am not really a fan of this green either. I have seen it in other homes and it looks good, but it looks very dingy here (partly because it is very stained and needs to be freshened up). Derrick gave his high school basketball coach a call – he moonlights as a painter now that he is retired. He has agreed to repaint for us – Woot! Woot!
The green...
The wall paper...
He has already put primer all over the walls and he painted a little patch of Porter Paint’s “Willow Gold” on the wall so I could give it the approval. Nope. It is just not going to happen. I knew that I did not want a yellow on these walls. We are painting the foyer, living room and hallway this color and it is just too big of an area for yellow. Do not ask me why I picked a paint that has “gold” in its name. I should never be allowed to paint shop alone. I then went over to Sherwin Williams and picked up some “Ramie”.
Here are the two side by side. “Willow Gold” is on the left and “Ramie” is on the right.

I think “Ramie” is much better for my area. I am so excited to see what it looks like finished!!! Now I have to find a paint color for my dining room. I want something that coordinates since it is all one open area but I am not sure how dark I want to go. I want a brown with a little bit of green undertone. I am thinking about a color called “Sawdust” that is in the same family as “Ramie”. Or maybe one called “Dapper Tan”. Knowing me I will end up picking a color called “Shoe Carnival Green” and be upset when it turns out looking like a neon lime. I better ask Sherwin. Or I can continue to call my friend, Brooke, or my sister, Katie, between 6:30am and 7am to make them get out of bed to look at online pictures. I feel really bad about that afterwards (that is plural because it happens at least twice a week – not always about paint but about some unforeseen catastrophe that can only be rectified by early morning phone calls).
I did actually finish one project this week. I had a bit of a melt down over our hall closet. I couldn’t find a spot for Baby Girl’s wash rags and towels. Not that I have bought any yet, but I know that I eventually will (I think I am going crazy worrying about random things like wash rag placement). Anyway, check out my hall closet and you will understand why I am stressed.
I am sure I will regret posting that. Especially since my wax warmer is right there front and center with no lid on it. Nice. So I found some baskets on sale at K-Mart this week and I thought I would do a little reorganizing. Which means I grabbed a bag and loaded it up for the Good Will. I kept the wax warmer. My eyebrows need it more than they do. Here is the finished closet…
Now, who knows how long it will stay looking like this. As of right now everything has a home and there is an empty basket for Baby Girl’s wash rags and bath supplies. I believe I will sleep easier tonight.
Moment of silence for the wallpaper. May it rest in peace alongside my fruit tile backsplash. And all other circa 1991 monstrosities. I've already set aside a burial plot for my green countertops...just waiting on the day I can peacefully put them to sleep. (And by "peacefully" I really mean "take a sledgehammer to them.")
ReplyDeleteThe closet looks worlds better! I have always loved the shelving in your linen closet. I want that in mine. I have the wire ones. Your closet is so deep, too. You did a great job!
closet looks great! Hope you slept better. I like the Ramie paint color too. I am sure it will all look very nice when it is done. then there will be something else that you just "have" to get done :)
ReplyDeleteyour closet looks great! I remember the nesting stage and you will feel so much better when you walk in with your sweet baby to a home that's clean, freshly painted and organized. Can't wait to catch up on your blog. :)
ReplyDeleteThe closet looks really nice! You did a great job : ) I agree with your choice of "Ramie"..It's a lovely warm colour :D
ReplyDeleteGemma X
Love the closet. You know I love organization. Expect it to look exactly like that at baby's first month birthday! HA!
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog and it's super cute, great style! The hubby and I are still kind of newelyweds and enjoy our pets too. No little ones for us just yet. But congrats on your little baby girl on the way!
ReplyDeleteStop by One Fine Wire if you get a chance!
Nice to meet you!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to check in and say hi as you haven't posted in a while!
I hope all is well : )
Gemma x