We also have been working on our side porch. What a nightmare!!! Before we bought our house we didn’t realize what exactly was going on here. It was very overgrown and covered up. With the help of my family, we took out most of the trees last summer and Derrick removed a few more this spring. I have tons of pictures of this area to show true horror...
There is actually two air conditioning units under that mess...
Christmas lights...hmmm...this was July.
And the (somewhat) finished product...
Derrick and I love, love, love to cook so we decided this year we would try to grow our own herbs. We really just wanted to start small and try our hand at a few things, but I will admit I got a little carried away. I had to put back a few different items (one of which was a tooth ache plant – my justification was that I might need it since I am growing stevia). So here are a few pics on our side porch, which is now being used for herbs…
The other night we decided that we should make some pesto with our new herbs. We have basil, but we also have a newer type of basil called “Pesto Perpetuo”. We wanted to try both and see which we preferred. We were (as always) a house divided. We did agree that we liked the pesto with asiago cheese instead of parmesan for something different. Either way, we really enjoyed our fresh herbs.